VCAT III online exam process

If you are completing a VCAT III online examination please ensure you read through all of the requirements below before commencing the exam.

The exam duration for VCAT III is 4 hours and consists of 100 multiple-choice questions.

Once you receive an email confirming access to your examination is available you may take the exam at any time that is suitable for both yourself and your invigilator. 

  1. Please check that your invigilator has reviewed the invigilation requirements and that they have received the session password to unlock your exam.
  2. It is a requirement that the exam is video recorded, the exam settings are already configured so that the system will do this automatically for you. Please make sure your invigilator is included in the video at the start of the exam session when checking your photo ID and in intervals during your exam.
  3. Ensure you have access to Google Chrome and have downloaded the “Proctorio Chrome Extension” as per the Online exam software instructions.
    1. Google Chrome is installed on your chosen device in order to take the exam. If you do not have Google Chrome on your device you can download it here.
    2. Using the Google Chrome Browser download the following: “Proctorio Chrome Extension”  on the device you will be using for your exam.
  1. Ensure you have completed the 5-minute “Practice Exam Session” at least 2 days prior to your VCAT III exam session to ensure that the software works correctly and that you are comfortable with how to navigate your exam
  2. Print a copy of the VCAT III Reference Material, the reference material is available in the languages below:
    1. English
    2. Chinese Traditional
    3. French
    4. Canadian French
    5. Italian
    6. Korean
    7. Serbian
    8. Castellano Spanish
    9. Turkish
  1. Print a copy of the "MIBoC online exam navigation"
  2. During your exam you are allowed to use;
    1. VCAT III Reference Material
    2. MIBoC online exam navigation
    3. A basic non-programmable calculator (please note that the calculator option on smartphones is not allowed)
    4. Blank notepad and pen

The presence of cell/mobile phones or any other electronic communicating, image capturing or data storage devices during the exam is strictly prohibited.  You are not allowed to have access to any other materials during the exam.

Once the exam is completed please ensure all written/hardcopy material (inclusive of notes taken) is destroyed.

Failure to follow the instructions provided here or to provide a satisfactory video recording will make the examination null and void.

After you have completed your exam, your examination details will automatically be sent to the MIBoC Exams Team and the grading process will commence. A team member will review your video and if accepted your exam will be graded.

Once grading is complete you will receive an email to the primary email address on your TMS profile with your results. Please ensure you have read the Certification Requirements for VCAT III, and updated your TMS profile with the required information.