Online Exam - Helpful tips

There are a number of useful tools available to you while you complete your online exam.

Main buttons required to navigate your exam:

 “Previous Question” – click this button to return to the previous question

 “Next Question” – click this button to move on to the next question

 “Finish test” – click this button to complete the test


Progress bar:

The bar visually represents how many questions were answered out of the total number of questions.

Online exam progress bar

Test Timing:

Throughout the test you can see how much time is remaining:


timer for online exam

Creating Notes:

 There is a notes area in the bottom right corner of the exam where you can add notes. Please click on the “Create new” button, enter the text in the notes field and click “Save” so the note will be saved. You can create an unlimited number of notes.


notes for online exam